“Joe was first diagnosed with cancer in April 2005 – it was a rare and aggressive disease which was treated with equal aggression, by the end of July the same year we had successfully completed his treatment.
We had 8 weeks of normality until Joes cancer returned, this time it presented itself in a more threatening manner and more aggressively. It was so rare we were told that there had only been 6 other cases known worldwide- all in males and all over 60 years old – none of who survived. His prognosis was poor and we needed a miracle.
At 6.30 in the evening of August 16th 2006 we lost our war and Joe fell asleep for the last time in my arms. Our last moments were spent watching the Catherine Tate show together, so it seems more than appropriate that she was the Patron of our Trust for a number of years and it was a huge honour to have her.
Joe’s loss has left devastation, not only for me and my family and my direct family but also for the community we live in, his school , my friends and his friends too.”
*Maxine Glover – Joe’s Mum*